Nolen may be blunt and sometimes dour, but he’s capable of giving small pep talks to friends. Good friend, that Nolen. 🙂

This page continues with my unintentional archnemesis: stairs. With the amount I’ve drawn and have to draw for this story, I will be haunted by them forever. And eveeeer.

News wise, cards are still available at my Etsy store, and I’m taking custom orders there if there’s nothing that catches your eye. They do make nifty gifts, though, so take a gander if you haven’t. 🙂

As always, if you’re enjoying the comic, consider pledging a dollar to my Patreon. You’ll get access to in progress peeks not available on my blogs, and early access to inked pages as they’re made. Plus, more goodies!

I hope you’re all doing well, and see you next week!